Saints Jonas and Barachisius (or Barachismus), Martyrs (AD 327)
In the 18th year of the Reign of King Sapor II of Persia began a severe persecution of Christians.
Two monks from Beth-Iasa, named Jonas and Barachisias, heard that several Christians were being held prisoner, and had been sentenced to death at Hubaham. These 2 saints went to encourage these people to be strong in their faith, no matter what tortures or Martyrdom they faced, and to serve them. Of that group, 9 were crowned with Martyrdom. After these Christians had been executed, Jonas and Barachisias were arrested for going to the aid of the prisoners. The president of that area urged them to obey the King of Kings (King Sapor II), and to worship the sun. They answered that it was better to obey the immortal King of Heaven, than to obey an earthly prince. Barachisius was thrown into a narrow cell. Meanwhile, Jonas was kept at the court and commanded to sacrifice to the sun. The guards made him lay face down, flat on the ground, with a metal stake under the middle of his body. The guards then beat him with rods. The whole time Jonas continued to pray. The Judge ordered that he be put into a frozen pond. This also did nothing to dampen his faith in Christ. Later on, that day, Barachisius was brought back. The Judge told him that Jonas had given in and sacrificed. Barachisius knew better, he replied that Jonas couldn't have given in, as he would never Worship fire, a created thing, and spoke zealously of God in his power and infinite majesty. Therefore, the Judge decided that later hearings would be conducted under the cover of darkness. Meanwhile, they tortured Barachisius as well, in hopes of breaking his will. In the morning, Jonas was brought from the frozen pond. When asked if he had had an uncomfortable night, he replied that the cold was nothing, he had been comforted by thoughts of the sufferings of Christ. The Magians taunted him, saying that Barachisias had apostatized and sacrificed. Jonas interrupted their taunts, saying "I know that he long ago renounced the Devil and his angels!" The judges warned him to be careful or he might die, abandoned by both God and man. Jonas replied "If you possess your vaunted wisdom judge weather it is not wiser to sow corn rather than to hoard it. Our life is seed, sown to rise again in the world to come, where it will be renewed by Christ in immortal life." He continually defied his torturers until , after still more abuse, he was crushed to death in a wooden press. His body was then dismembered and thrown into a well. Guards were posted there afterwards, to make sure that the other Christians could not come and collect the Martyr's relics. After the Martyrdom of Jonas, Barachisius was then advised to give in and save his own body. The Martyr's reply was "This body I did not frame, neither will I destroy it. God who made it will restore it, and will judge you and your king." He was tortured once more, and was finally martyred by having hot pitch and brimstone poured into his throat. As soon as on old friend heard of their martyrdom, he bought their bodies for 500 drachmas and 3 silk robes, and a promise that he would take the secret of the sale to his grave. Their feast is March 29.
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